"The Complete Guide to Legal Illicit Substances" Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas) ============================ Aside From the Dentists Office, There is a way, to obtain Nitrous Oxide for use as a Pleasure Enhancer. Go to any Kitchen supply store (Many Malls Have them, Burlington, Watertown, Nashua, Great Lane...) purchase a "Whipping Cream" Dispenser. This is a canister, about the size of a quart Bottle, with a tube sticking up the front, and a small screw on cap on the end. It looks like a One Liter Coke Bottle with a tapered top. On the top is also a small tube which resembles the kind on a can of Instant Whipped Cream. On the Backside, (still top) is a small Screw that protrudes out of the Main Canister. This is the Nitrous Oxide depository. The Boxes come TEN a Piece (About $5 A box or so, with a limit of 2 Boxes in most places, but not Harvard Square) Unscrew the Nitrous Oxide Cap, and deposit One Canister of Nitrous Oxide. Then Screw Back in, thus releasing the Contents of the Cartridge into the Canister. Preparing it for use. (You can use up to 4 Cartridges of Gas). Each Cartridge is worth About *2* Hits of 1 minute a piece. Its a fast and expensive drug, but it works. The only better method is to have a friend who is a dentist who will give you a full tank! It literally turns ytou into a HUMAN TUNING FORK. Meaning you feel like you are vibrating, gets pins and needles, and sometimes go numb in some parts of body. Instructions for use: ===================== After you have prepared the canister, Breath out all the air in your lungs and place your mouth on the tube on the top. SLOWLY depress the Button and INHALE. You will be getting pure Nitrous Oxide, Now Hold your breath for as long as possible. This increases the high. ....And if you ever get bored of your New Found Habit, you can always make some WHIP CREAM!! Later all, Avon & The Purple Snorklewacker